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The ugly boy and the red - dressed killer


An announcer. A poet. The poet nods to the announcer, and he begins.

The announcer and the poet.

ANNOUNCER(sadly): The ugly boy was unable to love, alas!

The poet alone.

POET: "Sinking into the brick
He created
for his daily destruction..."

ANNOUNCER: ladies and gentlemen, the innocent victim... IS LOVING IT! (triumphantly)
(to the public, laughing) I mean the smell of the enemy blowing behind him.

POET: "he suddenly fell into a bigger trap.
No antidotes, no solutions,
Not even a breath of wind to distract..."

A boy, sitting in the last row, raised his left hand.
GUY: and then? How did it end?

ANNOUNCER(looking to the poet) : Can he?
POET: Oh yes, of course he can. I will end my poem.
(he took the sheet and continued his reading)
"She was the red - dressed killer
And he wanted to die.



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  • Rocco Michele LETTINI il 18/04/2013 05:03
    Un originale versicolare (stile teatro) in cui traspare tutto il tuo stato d'animo nel trasmettere infinite emozioni pur di riflettere et meditare... IL MIO ELOGIO JIM

2 commenti:

  • Andrea il 18/04/2013 07:43
    grazie a salvatore e michele per i vostri apprezzamenti!!!
  • SalvatoreCierro il 17/04/2013 23:09
    infinite sfumature di rosso, infinite sfumature di amore, infiniti punti di vista, e quindi possiamo sempre imparare cose nuove dall'amore, come le cose che hai scritto, complimenti