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The Last Time I Saw Edinburgh

In the fall of 1993, my daughter an I went to Scotland. It was the first trip to Europe for her and she would begin an English Course at Cambridge. So, we've decided to make useful the services of an England's Tour Operator so that her knowledges about English would be tested. It wasn't a good choice! The guide left us alone at Edinburgh's downtown about five hours. The weather was terrible: much rain, low temperature, big wind etc. But, fortunately, we were lucky! We were well wrapped up and her English saved our tour. We saw wonderful things. For instance, we visited the National Gallery where there was a nice Holbein's portraits exhibition. Another marvellous place we visited was the Castle Rock, in the medieval town. There, we also saw the Crown Square, Royal Mile, Castle Hill and so many areas of the Holyroodhouse. At night we've got an interesting folkloric show. At last, it wasn't too bad!


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6 commenti:

  • valentina carraro il 19/06/2009 22:47
    un racconto è pur sempre un raconto. anche se questo sembra un racconto da compito in classe d'inglese. e vabbè!
  • sara rota il 07/08/2007 18:23
    Mi ricorda quando andavo a scuola e dovevo obbligatoriamente tradurre un brano dall'italiano all'inglese... Con qualche errore in più , ma la prima cosa che mi viene in mente è proprio quella. Doveva essere più discorsivo e comunque non mi sembra poesia.
  • Michele Del Bello il 23/10/2006 23:46
    L'inglese è corretto ma il contenuto???

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